volatility CTF
Working on Sift workstation using VMware
Challenge 1
Downloaded zip file , which after extraction , it was in raw format
Using volatility 2
First using image info to get the details of file
vol.py -f ‘/path/Challenge.raw’ imageinfo
Now i am using Win7SP1x86 profile
Now will check the list of process running using pslist
vol.py -f ‘/home/sansforensics/Desktop/memlabs/lab0/Challenge.raw’ — profile=Win7SP1x86 pslist
Multiple process are running , but i have some doubt on dump.exe
Now I will check process tree so that i can check the parent child relationship
vol.py -f ‘/home/sansforensics/Desktop/memlabs/lab0/Challenge.raw’ — profile=Win7SP1x86 pstree
We can see that explorer.exe is parent process of both cmd & DumpIT.exe
So checking cmd.exe what command is executed through terminal using cmdscan plugin
We can see demon.py.txt is getting executed through cmd . So lets check the o/p using consoles plugin
vol.py -f ‘/home/sansforensics/Desktop/memlabs/lab0/Challenge.raw’ — profile=Win7SP1x86 consoles
now we can see, some hex values, so now will use cyberchef, getting some random values
To get the environment variables of a process you can use the envars
As per hints, using envars plugin
As per hints we can see that Thanos & xor and password
Now will try to use this hint & complete above task using cyberchef
So I am taking hashdump to look for some password
we found one user
Trying to break ntlm hashvalue not able to find. Checked with creator & issue was there in the hash.
So completing this challenge here.